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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Daily Game Oct 28 - Haunt the House
Scare the inhabitants of the house with your ghost skills. All objects interact with your commands and are made to spook and scare!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Daily Game Oct 27 - Lucky Tower
Something bad happened in the luck tower. Try your luck and find out (and find your way out without dieing too).
Lucky Tower is powered by
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Daily Game Oct 25 - Ghost Hacker
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day off
Day off course today. Gives me a good chance to check out peoples blogs that I follow - hoping for some interesting content. If you have a blog you might think I would be interested in let me know and I'll give it a look and follow :)
Yay for discovering new blogs :)
Yay for discovering new blogs :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Net down!
Sorry for the lack of updates - my internet broke yesterday sadly. Was on the phone for about 4 hours to customer service. Oh the joys :/ The good news now is the internet is fixed! Going without it for a day felt so weird. It was kinda nice though - the flatmates were about to socialize and we had a good time. Not often does the net cut but when it does its so so annoying.
What do you do when your internet brakes on you? How long can you handle with no net?
What do you do when your internet brakes on you? How long can you handle with no net?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Off to town tonight. Should be good. Last time I went was about 6 weeks ago - had a grand time and this time should be good also! I'm not much of a going out person so when I do its really special. I guess keeping it 'special' means its better and doesnt get stale.
How often do you go out at night?
How often do you go out at night?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thinking about buying a scanner. Anyone got any suggestions on what brand or type I should get? I would really love a A3 size one - A4 isn't really big enough for the work I do. The majority of my art is done on A3 size so it should be a good size to work with
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Busy times
Sorry I havn't really been posting lately. Been really busy with study and having a play on WoW since 4.0 came out. Not really sure what else to put in this blog, has anyone got any ideas?
Today I had class which was fun - we were focusing on drawing eyes. It was rather school treachery (most of the classes are very free and open but this one is one of the more closed). I stil enjoying it though
Today I had class which was fun - we were focusing on drawing eyes. It was rather school treachery (most of the classes are very free and open but this one is one of the more closed). I stil enjoying it though
Daily Game Oct 13 - Scene of the crime: GD
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Morning update
Just a quick update before class. Had lots of positive feedback about life drawing. Some requests to post my work. I won't be posting my work on this blog but you can find my art blog at Artcontrol. Please subscribe and you can get updates by email or RSS feed. Thanks :) I am due for a update - I have issues updating it well I'm at course cos I'm kept so so busy.
Let me know what you think of it :)
Let me know what you think of it :)
Life drawing
Just back from a 3 hour session of life drawing. It was very gestural - lots of warm ups which I'm a fan of. 30 second poses are the best - got to get as much down as you can so quickly. These types of exersises really help you understand life drawing. You get the model down quick and not fussy.
Have you ever done life drawing before? Modeled even? I was thinking of doing some modeling for it - I've done clothed before.
Have you ever done life drawing before? Modeled even? I was thinking of doing some modeling for it - I've done clothed before.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Daily Game Oct 11 - Hidden Souvenirs
Travel around the world and discover the hidden objects on London's streets, outside the 'Metropolitain' of Paris and under the japanese cherry trees!
Remember, time runs really fast and too many clicks will bring you unfortunate events..!
Have fun!
Hidden Souvenirs Game is powered by
New design + chance to be featured
As you can see I've changed the design of the blog around a bit - thought it was time for a bit of a change. The last design was rather boring.
At the same time I thought it would be cool to have a bit of a challenge on the blog for readers.
At the same time I thought it would be cool to have a bit of a challenge on the blog for readers.
Design me a banner. No restrictions just a banner. It would be best if it had the name of my blog on it. Anything is up to you. The winner will be chosen in week - unless I get like no entry (which i will then extend it). The winner will get featured on my blog - links to your blog permanently on my blog.Easy? Just comment with a link to your banner that you have created. I look forward to your entry. You may enter as many times as you want.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Daily Game Oct 10 - Monster Slayers
Trolls on facebook
Anyone notice the increase of trolls on facebook? I think in these last few months the amount of fake accounts has increased significantly. What's the point in creating these fake profiles? I guess people are just at home bored with nothing to do. I have a Facebook that I use quite a bit but have never created a fake account. I guess it would be kinda fun to have a screw around with.
Do you have a 2nd facebook account? What do you use it for? Trolling? Or more of just help with farmville :P
Do you have a 2nd facebook account? What do you use it for? Trolling? Or more of just help with farmville :P
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Happy Birthday John Lennon
Today It's John Lennons 70th birthday if he was still with us today. Even if you aren't a Beatles fan there is no denying the impact this one man had on the world. I've always been a Lennon fan. He's been rather influential to me.
What impact has Lennon had on you?
What impact has Lennon had on you?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I've always thought about getting contacts. Not too sure how I would like them though - I've had glasses since I can remember (bout 5 years old). What use do I have with contacts though? I don't play contact sport. I live in a city with hardly any sun so don't really need sunglasses. I guess my look would be different if I had contacts. But honestly I don't think I really need them.
What do you think about contacts vs glasses?
What do you think about contacts vs glasses?
Phasing out of CDs
I've noticed alot less CDs for sale recently. People seem to be embracing the digital or going vinyl. Which is much cooler then CDs. CDs are frustrating - I try and care for them but they end up getting scratched/lost/stolen. I'm rather happy now all my music is on my ipod - could quite happily never use a CD again
Do you still use CDs?
Do you still use CDs?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
This afternoon I felt really down. Falling in love with a girl, but she only wants to be friends. I'll struggle though. Likely just eat more. Shes very vane but its something that really attracts me to her. We talked the other week about antidepressant. I really don't think I need them - there are more natural ways to be happy.
Whats your view on antidepressant pills?
Whats your view on antidepressant pills?
Tonight I've had the Arctic Monkeys on a lot. They are one of my favorite bands. My Propeller is such a amazing album - it doesn't get the hype it deserves. Cornerstone has got to be the best song on the album but all the songs are really good. I really relate to the lyrics of Cornerstone. I my opion it's about not getting over a girl and trying to find others that look similar so you can replace her with a lookalike. What do you think?
Here's the lyrics:
I thought a saw you in the Battleship, but it was only a look alike
She was nothing but a vision trick under the warning light
She was close, close enough to be your ghost
But my chances turned to toast when I asked her if I could call her your name
I thought I saw you in the Rusty Hook, huddled up in a wicker chair
I wandered over for a closer look and kissed whoever was sitting there
She was close and she held me very tightly
Till I asked awfully politely, "Please, can I call you her name?"
And I elongated my lift home
Yeah, I let him go the long way round
I smelled your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I thought I saw you in the Parrot's Beak messing with a smoke alarm
It was too loud for me to hear her speak, and she had a broken arm
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote in a letraset, "No, you can't call me her name"
Tell me, where's your hiding place
I'm worried I'll forget your face
And I've asked everyone
I'm beginning to think I imagined you all along
And I elongated my lift home
Yeah, I let him go the long way round
I smelled your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I saw your sister in the Cornerstone on the phone to the middle man
When I saw that she was on her own, I thought she might understand
She was close, well you couldn't get much closer
She said "I'm really not supposed to, but yes, you can call me anything you want"
Heres the video. Worth the watch also:
Here's the lyrics:
I thought a saw you in the Battleship, but it was only a look alike
She was nothing but a vision trick under the warning light
She was close, close enough to be your ghost
But my chances turned to toast when I asked her if I could call her your name
I thought I saw you in the Rusty Hook, huddled up in a wicker chair
I wandered over for a closer look and kissed whoever was sitting there
She was close and she held me very tightly
Till I asked awfully politely, "Please, can I call you her name?"
And I elongated my lift home
Yeah, I let him go the long way round
I smelled your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I thought I saw you in the Parrot's Beak messing with a smoke alarm
It was too loud for me to hear her speak, and she had a broken arm
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote in a letraset, "No, you can't call me her name"
Tell me, where's your hiding place
I'm worried I'll forget your face
And I've asked everyone
I'm beginning to think I imagined you all along
And I elongated my lift home
Yeah, I let him go the long way round
I smelled your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I saw your sister in the Cornerstone on the phone to the middle man
When I saw that she was on her own, I thought she might understand
She was close, well you couldn't get much closer
She said "I'm really not supposed to, but yes, you can call me anything you want"
Heres the video. Worth the watch also:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Not much sleep
Didn't sleep well last night and really starting to feel it. Waking up my eyes felt so heavy. If I wasnt having so much fun at class I would have the day off. But Im going to be strong and go in!
What do you guys do when you have issues sleeping?
What do you guys do when you have issues sleeping?
Daily Game Oct 05 - Track the Ball
Brain Freeze
Sometimes when I stand up quickly - happens after after resting or having a bath/spa I become extremely dizzy and feel like I'm going to full over. I usually just grab onto something to get balance. I've never fallen or anything but it's not a nice feeling. It's even worse if people are there and watching me.
It never happens to me if I'm driving or anything and I don't think about it much.
Does this happen to anyone else?
It never happens to me if I'm driving or anything and I don't think about it much.
Does this happen to anyone else?
Monday, October 4, 2010
D*mn ▀'s (squares): Post Update #Post Update
D*mn ▀'s (squares): Post Update #Post Update: "Hello, and welcome to posting 101! If you're just joining me from your basement the internet, feel free to sit down, relax, and learn how t..."
If you haven't read this blog be sure to check it out - it's very helpful in teaching you how to blog successfully.
If you haven't read this blog be sure to check it out - it's very helpful in teaching you how to blog successfully.
Daily Game Oct 04 - Wake Up the Box 2
Other blogs
Hi there.
Thanks for reading this blog.. If you didn't know already I also run two other blogs that I wanted to tell you about in this post.
Back 4 Dailys - This is my World of Warcraft blog I recently started. I'm not too sure where this blog is going because I havnt been playing WoW lately
My personal art blog. I try to keep this as updated as posible but I get a bit behind sometimes.
And then this blog. Which I guess is a general personal one.
Have you guys got any ideas on wha future blog I should make if I was to make another?
Thanks for reading this blog.. If you didn't know already I also run two other blogs that I wanted to tell you about in this post.
Back 4 Dailys - This is my World of Warcraft blog I recently started. I'm not too sure where this blog is going because I havnt been playing WoW lately
My personal art blog. I try to keep this as updated as posible but I get a bit behind sometimes.
And then this blog. Which I guess is a general personal one.
Have you guys got any ideas on wha future blog I should make if I was to make another?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Well today Im back to course after the holidays. I love my classes! Going to nice to see everyone again.
I believe study is very important and would encourage anyone to make the most of it. You don't want to end up with a shitty job your whole life.
What do you guys think of govt spending in education? Lately my govt has the budget a lot which has made it harder for people to study
I believe study is very important and would encourage anyone to make the most of it. You don't want to end up with a shitty job your whole life.
What do you guys think of govt spending in education? Lately my govt has the budget a lot which has made it harder for people to study
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Hipsters. Only a recently I found out about the term. I could copy + paste what I think a hipster but I'm going to write it. See how correct I am?
- Skinny Jeans.
- Suspenders
- Mom pants? Those really high ones. Often tucked in.
- Faded tees - pop art, internet memes, famous peoples.
- Tight tees
- Big reading glasses with no glass
- Indie rock. Stuff people havn't heard of.
- Bikes with 3 gears (I had one of these when I was 11)
- Vegan food.
- Fairtrade
Twitter Usage
I dont use twitter anymore. I use to use it alot. It was my heart and soul. First thing I would do in the morning is send a tweet saying:
Lately I've tending to keep to Facebook. I know more people on it. People arnt stranges. I never found anyone on twitter I knew IRL.
I'll leave you with this quote:
Good morning. Just woke up. Got class todayOr something along those lines. I would do roughly a update every 30 mins. I mostly posted random crap. Like the weather. Or what I was eating. Things people really don't want to hear about. Surprising enough. I got quite a few followers.
Lately I've tending to keep to Facebook. I know more people on it. People arnt stranges. I never found anyone on twitter I knew IRL.
I'll leave you with this quote:
'Facebook is for those you went to school with. Twitter is those you wished you went to school with'
Friday, October 1, 2010
9 cats lives
I'm very lucky to own 4 cats. One of them is getting very old and likely only has a few months to live. Shes had a good life though - got her from the pound when she was a kitten. Animals die. People die. Just something people have to accepted.
I'm going to town tonight... going to see a very special friend. Who knew you could grow so close to someone in a week and find out so much about them. Wish me luck <3
I'm going to town tonight... going to see a very special friend. Who knew you could grow so close to someone in a week and find out so much about them. Wish me luck <3
The Beatles or The Rollings Stones
Who would you rather be, The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? I think thats a Metric lyric. Whenever someone asks me who I prefer I answer with The Beatles. I have nothing against the Rolling Stones. Just I enjoy Beatles music more. It was more progressive and interesting.
My favorite Beatles song is I am the Walrus. The lyrics are fasanating. Lennon wrote it to counter people analysing Beatles lyrics. Because the lyrics they mean nothing. I read somewhere he got the first two lines from a acid trip. Not surprising.
Fav Rolling Stone song... Angie.
My favorite Beatles song is I am the Walrus. The lyrics are fasanating. Lennon wrote it to counter people analysing Beatles lyrics. Because the lyrics they mean nothing. I read somewhere he got the first two lines from a acid trip. Not surprising.
Fav Rolling Stone song... Angie.
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