Friday, October 1, 2010

The Beatles or The Rollings Stones

Who would you rather be, The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? I think thats a Metric lyric. Whenever someone asks me who I prefer I answer with The Beatles. I have nothing against the Rolling Stones. Just I enjoy Beatles music more. It was more progressive and interesting.
My favorite Beatles song is I am the Walrus. The lyrics are fasanating. Lennon wrote it to counter people analysing Beatles lyrics. Because the lyrics they mean nothing. I read somewhere he got the first two lines from a acid trip. Not surprising.
Fav Rolling Stone song... Angie.


  1. ah I love The Beatles! I have to agree, my favorite song is either I am the Walrus or Hey Jude.

  2. I would definitely be the Beatles, I love all of their songs.

  3. I would definitely be the Beatles, I love like all of their songs.

  4. I like the beatles more, they are just classy^^

  5. I'd probably be a Beatle also, just for the fame. I'm sure they get more perks than the Rolling Stones have. Taking part in Pirates of the Caribbean would be amazing to though, hmmmm.

  6. I would rather be The Beatles, but to break up and have one of your band members be shot would SUCK. Also, Metric is kickass.

  7. I liked your input on my last blog post :)

  8. I would be the Rolling Stones simple because I like the Classic Rock sound. I'm sure they both had their fair share of drugs and women though ;)

  9. Beatles, definitely. They never played at the Superbowl, so they get more props from me.


  10. pfppfpfpfpfp oh sorry fartsies.. >=(

  11. Beatles, cause my dad listened to them more around me and it kinda grew on me

  12. Anyone who says the stones is trollin, oh and I love metric too =)

  13. The Beatles, their music is incredible. To this day, I could listen to all their albums and not get sick of hearing it.

  14. The Beatles of course! I never knew that about the lyrics to I Am The Walrus, interesting.
