Saturday, October 2, 2010

Twitter Usage

I dont use twitter anymore. I use to use it alot. It was my heart and soul. First thing I would do in the morning is send a tweet saying:
Good morning. Just woke up. Got class today
Or something along those lines. I would do roughly a update every 30 mins. I mostly posted random crap. Like the weather. Or what I was eating. Things people really don't want to hear about. Surprising enough. I got quite a few followers.
Lately I've tending to keep to Facebook. I know more people on it. People arnt stranges. I never found anyone on twitter I knew IRL.

I'll leave you with this quote:

'Facebook is for those you went to school with. Twitter is those you wished you went to school with'


  1. Twitter seems to have slowed down a lot with most of my friends and I. Not sure if this is the same everywhere. I prefer to update through blogs now anyway. :) Thanks for sharing.

  2. Never understood guys like you who posed random stuff on twitter xD sorry

  3. I didn't think much about twitter until I realized how many different voices you could hear at once. That's right, I am crazy.

  4. i never used twitter, seemed like a huge waste of time lol

  5. Me neither, never understood the hype..

  6. never understood status updates. most of the people on my facebook are kids I know from school and I don't really want to share my thoughts and every doing with most of those people

  7. Don't believe the hype. The internet is a huge profile machine. Don't feed it.

  8. twitter is pointless. you can do the same thing and more on facebook!

  9. tweets only worth reading are from celebrities

  10. yeah I didn't see the big thing about twitter, it just seemed weird

  11. I've used twitter before, but I would tweet maybe once or twice a day. I never understood why some people would tweet so often.

  12. Tweeting is like calling for attention.. A lot of girls tweet what they do every fucking second like some one has to know what they are doing, its stupid...

  13. I never used twitter! I never found a reason to.
