Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This afternoon I felt really down. Falling in love with a girl, but she only wants to be friends. I'll struggle though. Likely just eat more. Shes very vane but its something that really attracts me to her. We talked the other week about antidepressant. I really don't think I need them - there are more natural ways to be happy.
Whats your view on antidepressant pills?


  1. I've never used any, but have been tempted to try them out oh so many times - slightly bipolar here so I ride the highs and lows often.

  2. My view? Not good at all! They will only repress your emotions so you won't feel them (zombie effect). Pills won't heal you, the best way for me to deal with depression has always been music, friends and working on things i like. Find something to keep you busy i suppose.

  3. I don't like taking pills, but I'm pretty strong and really few things can take me down.

  4. Do anything to make yourself happy, stay away from big pharma scams aka the happy pills, aka antidepressants.
